Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hope House Cebu is centered in the slums of Cebu Philippines.  It's not a bad neighborhood.  Just a very poor one. My husband and I were sponsoring a child from this mission. Below is a video where David became angry when we told him, we knew he was a scammer. He wrote a book and I saved all of our private conversations, The entire book is a lie.

I have always loved the thought of becoming a missionary! Not to preach, but to help people. I was saved at age 9 after going to a revival meeting hosted by Nicky Cruz. Nicky like me, had a horrible child hood and was severely abused. If God could change him and forgive him, he could certainly save me and I would be worthy of his love. All my life I tried to help any child I encountered with love and help. In 2011 we had facebook, I did not realize that the Pastor that saved Nicky :"David Wilkerson" you can read the book or see the movie "The cross and the switchblade" I could not find Nicky on facebook. so I searched David Wilkerson, and low and behold! It looked like he was in Cebu Philippines saving people and helping children that lived in the landfills, the kids who slept in cemeteries, and in the slums and homeless in the streets.

Turns out it the real David Wilkerson a great man of God had passed away, this was a different man. He asked me to sponsor a child and sent me a lot of pictures. I gladly gave! I sent extra money via PayPal and moneygram when a child was dying from sickness, to get my sponsored child into the girl scouts, and for her birthday. 

I started chatting with other sponsors, and with Nicko and Heralyn. They were teenagers and very sickly. I spoke to them every day for over a year. I sent for his medical bills, David once posted a rat bit him and he was infected. David was always posting that Nicko was dying, I sent hundreds of dollars as well as other sponsors to save him.

I believed everything he said! He had photos right? Evidence!

In 2012 I received $20,000 in back child support while we were residing in Florida. I saw it as a sign to go there for a couple of years and save these kids!

At first David seemed happy, "I will include or private messages"

Because I was a licensed photographer, I though "I can bring so much awareness to this mission!"  I will go! I felt God gave me a gift and was sending me!

Then David started posting about photographers being killed all the time, I even asked him to be honest with me as I searched the internet for these crimes and saw none.  He assured me he had connections to get me into the cemeteries and landfill from his photos even though they guards were heavily armed.
Preparations! One of the children's sponsor had a big brother that chatted with me often, he set out to find me a house. He found a perfect house that was just 2 blocks for Hope House Cebu. It was $300.00 a month and had air conditioning and hot water and 3 bathrooms along with an outdoor shower. I wired the money for 6 months of rent. Then, off to Wal-Mart to purchase needed first aid supplies and  medications, lots of infant Tylenol, children's Tylenol, Robitussin expectorant, cortisone creams, and bought diabetes socks for David as well. It filled a huge suitcase. With passports and tickets in hand along with many gifts sponsors sent me to take for the children they sent money for, we were off. David wanted to pick us up in a taxi, however, the taxis had propane tanks in the trunk and no room for 8 huge suit cases. Dennis offered to bring a van a friend had, I messaged David and told him we had it covered. Little did I know how much this would upset him. It was a good choice considering he forgot about one Sponsor that visited and was hours late picking her up. 

When we first saw the house I was taken back, it was huge! Big living room, family room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a winding staircase. Little did I know, there was no air conditioning, or hot water, and the water dripped barely from the faucets. The kitchen was an addition and the door went to the outside with a gated door allowing the rats to invade at any time, the refrigerator did not work, the stove was so tiny. We had to go buy a refrigerator, Dennis had put some food in the broken fridge so we took the food over to David's house.  I was going to meet the man I had been helping financially and messaging for so long. The smell was horrible, I had to pass a pig that was right by the door we entered, the house was so filthy and cluttered, the fridge was nasty and filled with mold. There was David sitting as always in front of a computer on Facebook.  He did not bother to get up. Kids were sleeping on the floor here and there. At the time I did not know these were his family. He does not tell you that the main and original Hope House Kids were his wife's immediate family. I wanted out of that smell fast! We went back to our home and there was an window AC in the master bedroom, that was exciting! It did not work very well, but it had a door to a terrace. The house also came with 2 dogs I was not aware of. Jet lagged and picking up a stomach flu from my grandson before I left, I was down and out sick. The time difference is 13 hours, and I could not even lift my head.
David planned a big service he said, I had just sent him $250.00 USD by moneygram to save a kid's life whom he said would just have to die right before I boarded the plane to Cebu, but the child was at my house well and fit when I arrived! He said the kids prayed over him and he was instantly well. He asked if he could use the money to feed the kids, of course I said yes. I was not there for the big show down with the stomach flu, so he brought all of them to me. without giving a thought that the kids might catch it. 

After a couple of days I was much better and headed out. Getting used to the sewer and propane smells was a bit overwhelming, and listening to  the constant sound of roosters all day and night. Cock Fighting is huge there, I will include photos of that as well. There were water lines everywhere you had to really watch your step. I went to David and asked to see where the kids lived. He took me to what I call the maze, you could get so lost in there. It was like circles of walls with cut out rooms about 4x6 in size. Some were stacked. It was a very tight fit to get around in. The electric was shared and the lines around the electric poles had many boxes on them and wires were everywhere which caused nay brow outs in the area. The good thing was I always had a child that could show me ways out. This neighborhood would be considered poor but certainly not the poorest.  They had shared water pumps, TV sets, lights, and foam bedding or bamboo.

After church David would always promise to take me to the market places to shop, later on FB I would see where they went out to eat, and to the mall. or to paid public swimming pools. He never once invited me to come along. He posted where he found a street child and they were bathing the child out of a pot, gave him a Mayo sandwich. and took a photo of him with 50 pesos. I told David I thought he was going to bring the homeless children to my house where there was a good outdoor shower that worked nicely, beds, etc. He said "Oh it was late , I did not want to disturb you" That is why I was there was to help these so called homeless children. Very strange. The next day I found out that the child was walking around, David offered him money to come to his home, took photos of the girls bathing him, and then did not even offer a way to get him back to town where he found him. It was all for show to get more money out of sponsors. Soon the Moms of sponsored children began talking. Especially the mother of my sponsored child. I was told there was barely if any money given and small bags of rice. David will tell you they do not come to church but my sponsored child was faithful until he kicked her out of the church for speaking to me. They were punished for telling me the truth. 
My first time having a conversation with David, mind you my husband was there for every conversation, he told me he did not believe in miracles, that he would BS me but that only works if the visitor's are there for a short time, since I was going to be there a while he could not fake me out. I listened and nodded without replying. "I was in shock".  He was filthy, smelled horrible because he said he tried to bathe at lest once a week, his hair was full of oil, and his clothes were filthy. The poorest children smelled better and dressed better, he opened my fridge and ate a block of expensive cheese without even asking. So much for my dinner plans for the kids... He said he would be like Jim on TV and he already has his Tammy with all the makeup his wife wore. She was a child and he was an over weight filthy old man. She spoke so fast I could not understand her. David did not even try to learn their language. They spoke of their sex life, how she could not have children, and how greedy all the moms and kids were. That they only came to church because of the rice and money. It was so discouraging and I did not know how to get around.

I started meeting more people soon after, Christmas was coming and I was still working with the kids from Hope House holding English classes, feeding kids, trying to put together a play. I was surprised to find out there were not very many bible on hand at that time. The kids did not know where Jesus was born or the story of his birth, they were amazed.  One evening, David's leg was red and swollen and Generous told me that he told them he was going to die and she began to cry, I was so shocked he would tell these kids this, soon after the others began to cry, so I told them "Let's go over and we will take David to the hospital and I will pay for it", So, we did. David refused to go to the doctor, told the kids he would be okay. It was a strange event. In his book he makes it sound like I made them cry. We did not even get to practice our play because the crying began from Generous right after I fed them.

Going to church at David's house was horrible with the smell, and that pig right beside us. It was hot and completely unorganized, you never knew when it would start because David  did not do the preaching, he would blame the ones that could speak the language. A very nice lady that had an American husband was speaking a few times, of course I could not understand any of it. I took lots of photos of the children and them David would again sneak off with his favorites and go to the malls etc. leaving me to find out where they had gone by looking at his Facebook posts. Where were the street children? Where were the kids from the cemeteries and landfill? 

After researching photos online Google images I saw the photos were not even from Cebu. He had taken them off the internet, the fire photos were fake, the cemetery photos were fake, and the landfill photos were fake.  I was so discouraged and prayed like crazy. 
Enough of this nonsense, I decided to find someone to help me and find these kids myself. David sent Heralyn over to take me to see the street kids and we made Mayo sandwiches. When we went to the town they were all asleep. The kids were throwing sandwiches on top of people sleeping very quickly. What I realized after we went to the market place was that the reason they were sleeping there was to hold their place to sell their good the next day, They were not homeless, one man threw a sandwich back at us. So, this is where he got the photos and that is why they were all sleeping. Another huge lie from David. At this point I decided I was done, but I would try one more time. We found a grassy field that if cleaned up the kids could play sports, we found a free basketball area, a UNICEF clinic where kids could get first aid and immunizations, and for midwife care. All of these photos would be attached. We told David and he acted so surprised that just a couple of blocks away was all of these free resources he could use.  He pretended to make phone calls about setting up sports. I asked him about the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and he could not produce one child that was on that program as he claims. He posted on FB that he had no food to feed the kids for Wednesday night youth services, so we went to the store and bought a ton of great food and I sent some kids over to bring it to them. The next day he approached me and said "Look, I did not want food, I was trying to get money" .  Okay now I am really done and told him so.

I posted on FB that it's so easy to believe what is not there. Then I deleted it immediately. However, not before a woman named Nancy that knew David private messaged me and said what do you mean? I was frustrated and told her, it's all a bunch of lies, I did not want anyone hurt, that I was going to distance myself from Hope House. She immediately told David and he got online and posted that anyone who did not immediately block me would not be welcome and he would drop their sponsorship, that I was spreading lies. So they all blocked me except a few. When he says he lost support that was not true, he only lost one sponsor that I am aware of. 

Now, we get to Nicko, the sickly kid we all send hundreds and I do have the money gram receipts to prove it. His mother died giving childbirth, Nicko is David's nephew, he moved into our home the first night we arrived there all well and healed. David demanded that Nicko go back to his house immediately and have nothing further to do with me. My husband took a voice recorder in his pocket and took Nicko back and asked him why since the reason he was there was to not get bitten by rats and he getting sick from the filth in his home. He lost it and so did his bride Aileen. That is the recording I have here. After that the 'Cutie Pies" as he called them, would come by my house and on the street and chant "Demon" Demon" I would reply with "Jesus loves you". Then rumors began and people were telling me that for 500 pesos he could have me killed. So I filed a police report and turned him into children services and the Embassy because he is there illegally. He began a video and FB rant and still does to this day about me, if you google my name you will see some ridiculous claims. For one he claims I gave him expired medicine from an old cabinet, not true, per Nicko and his sister his mother in law that ran a store from her home sold them all the same day I delivered them. $200.00 worth of first aide and medicines. He claims I promised him $10.000 
Not true at all, why would I do that? I told him that I expected to only spend that amount of my savings while I was there, and my sister had my car and was trying to sell if for me for  $5,000 and if she did we could buy a jeepny. This was before I came to Cebu and knew he was a fraud. He allow a woman named Toni who was at least 50 years old to court Nicko with promises of marriage and she was going to live in the Philippines. I found the messages and David thought they were of no harm. Are you kidding me? David told me Nicko could not return to school. I went to the school and got his medical records and Nicko was never bitten by a rat, was only hospitalized once and it was for pneumonia. David could of taken him to a free government hospital but instead chose a private hospital. He could go to school and did, until he went back to David's and quit again. So much for school being important. 

When the children refused to stop coming to my house he kicked them out and told them never to come back, they could choose me or him. What Pastor kicks a kid out of church when they have a sponsor? But, David did. He kicked out Charity the girl I sponsored as well. When the Mom's all heard this they asked to speak to me, on video they explained that David would have the children hold up a $1,000 pesos bill and take a photo, after the photo he took it back gave them 50 pesos and told them to go. For Christmas he gave them a tiny stocking of cheap candy.
There was a young girl in a wheel chair that he gave a huge Teddy bear to, she was smiling in the photo and so happy, then he snatched it away and took the same teddy
bear to the next child and so on, I posted on FB about it and so he went back and gave the girl the teddy bear. Shameful the way he tricks sponsors.

He claims he protects girls from Human Trafficking, not true at all, these Hope House girls are running by themselves with no adult supervision at all hours of the night. One girl name Kimberly had her father beat her and then cut her hair off, David did not turn it in as he claimed. He used them, he never protected them. He would be up all night on FB and all day. If he was not wasting sponsor money at McDonalds or the Mall, he was gambling. He was also drinking. His nephew Lester was chatting with me trying to find out about his sponsor and he told me he had to go get his "Daddy's" alcohol. Everyone began telling me the horrors of David. When a visitor comes he goes through the maze, tells them a sponsor is coming, and if they do not show up to his house and do what he says he will cut off rice and everything else they might get. So the first conversation he had with me and my husband now made sense, he could not keep that secret for months on end. I tried my best to stay away from David after that and did not speak to him.

My husband met Moore who with his wife and daughter was an amazing help. He helped me find the cemeteries, the Alaskan slums where David told those kids they were not welcome, "yes I have that one video as well". The seaside kids, and then the land fill.

There were no armed guards at the landfill. All lies of intimidation. Sponsors told me by private message he stole some of my photos. We met a school teacher named Paulie and she was a delight! We gave them money for a long time from my pay check, I tried to do fund raisers, but I am terrible at it. Her husband got into a accident and she was unable to stay there anymore and the government was shutting down the landfill. At least we got to help them for a short time. That landfill does not exist anymore. She denies telling David anything and that he is lying , well of course he is, that is what he does. Nobody ever gave me a dime to help them, all the money came from my own income. I was humbled to say the least.

The kids that live in the cemeteries are so cute! They were born there just like their parents, they sleep in the mausoleums and work there, in exchange for keeping it clean  the families let them stay there, they carve stones, sweep and keep everything nice and clean. They have water and electricity. Nothing like David said. Photos of all of these places I will provide links to as well. We would take them for pasta and ice cream and still have them on our Facebook as friends.  

I have many witnesses that will tell you that everything that my husband and I are telling you is the truth. David fooled so many, taught them to lie so well.

Now, I have not posted anything about David since 2013. But someone is! They made a blog that I will attach for you. Ron Husband who lives in the USA and is in his book as his contact to collect money, has threatened to kill me several time, they think this blog is mine even though I do not know who this person is. I have emailed them and will post those too. They will not tell me who they are but Ron and David are now saying that my husband and I raped children there. I found this blog and was so upset. If anything improper had happened David would have had me arrested immediately. Per Ron I took them to my apartment (I had a huge house always filled with children) also Moore and his wife and daughter lived in the house with us. You can read all the horrible allegations and slander against me on their blog. They of course do not know what is true about me but did apologize for not believing me years ago. I called Ron his number is in David's book. He told me I was going to die and David was coming to Texas, now David is using Hope House kids and his wife's Fb account to private message me and say "See you soon" I am not afraid of him! Ha! He cannot leave the country, he has no passport, and overs tens of thousands in Visa fees before he can leave. He did find GoFundMe accounts and has received millions in pesos. Most of those are now shut
down. I was told he moved out of the slums by his nephew and near the swimming pool. Too bad those people will never get their money back. Recently I got an email saying Ron Husband is  no longer associated with Hope House Cebu. Probably because I told him I was going to sue him for slander.  It was kind of funny when he put an old lady on the phone, crazy conversation to say the least, he says I am in California, I am in Oklahoma. Then he asked for my address after claiming he had it. Either way I am not afraid of his or David's threats, I am in the USA. David is stuck with his huge family to support in Cebu. I was told his mother in law is now a Lender....hmmm with what money can she lend? Oh yes, Sponsor money. Just like when we say on David's wall a type of count down and he was marking each day off at a time, so my husband asked him what is was (I took a photo of it) he said it was a promise to Aileen that he would not gamble in the casinos until January. She got upset he left her so much going to gamble. Once again with who's money? Your money. 

So there you have the truth. If you need witnesses and videos I have it. I can prove everything, including all messages between David and I. He is a false prophesier and a liar. He is a con artist. An ex con who spent his life stealing and in jail while in the states, he did not go there to rescue kids, he went there to find a 15 year old bride whom he did marry. A nasty dirty old man, a pedophile. With FB he was able to cone us all even me. To this day I do not know why he did not just come out and say, don't come here. He says I wanted to take over, I wanted as far away from his ministry as I could.

I enjoyed the last few months feeding and helping children in real need, For Christmas we went to the poorest seaside areas and gave out tickets, Dennis and his Mother and Moore and Angelica, and a bunch of Hope House Kids (the ones who were kicked out) we provided meals, and gave them lots of rice. canned meats, powdered milk and orange juice, pasta in big bag fulls so their families could have  a nice Christmas dinner. Tow Americans sent me some money to help. One sponsor even sent money to turn on electricity for his sponsored child, the family was so happy. Glen is a good guy! We spent a few hundred dollars for food but it was so worth it. We gave out tickets, because we could only feed so many, we gave out supplies for an entire families and fed 75 families one meal and another bag of groceries for their own meals. I was shocked to see the moms of the kids that were shouting "Demon" at me in line outside trying to get free food, I told them to go to Hope House. They were yelling and cursing, it was crazy, but we did not let them ruin our Christmas, just the faces on the poorest of the poor was such a blessing from God. I still have friends in Cebu, good friends. And I am glad for that! 


  1. It's even worse than you thought!

  2. Your boy is going to prison ... ahahaahahaaahahahahaahah

    1. My son is a police officer,I don’t think he is going to prison. Why don’t you get some new Glamour shot photos on sponsorship money again, and just leave me alone

    2. You will one day have to face Jesus and then to hell...

  3. This is the blog David Wilkerson doesn't want his supporters to see. Copy and paste the link below in your browser.

  4. travel has opened up.. coming to see you

  5. you were such a joy here, and im going to repay your great kindness
